
3D Strong produces additive materials based on modified Carbon nanotubes (CNTs), which significantly increase mechanical strength and durability of 3D printing materials, add electrical conductivity, remove statics and give unique properties to final products.

The main problems of exist 3D printing materials are low mechanical strength and durability. Prototyping is only possible. Our R&D team has developed an industrial technology for obtaining additives on the basis of modified CNTs intended for insertion into liquid ink for 3D printing based on metal, plastic and other materials.

CNTs are of great interest in connection with their unique properties, such as extreme strength, special electrical properties, high efficiency when used as conductors of heat, corrosion resistance, etc. They are able to impart new properties to already known materials even with a small addition and are indispensable in the design of new composite materials, including those based on metals, plastics, and polymers.

We already have proven laboratory tests and made pilot test with the industrial partner from USA – producer of 3D printing materials (TRL 5. system prototype demonstration in operational environment). Signed MoU for selling 24 kg of our additives to them in 1st year, which give them to produce 5000 kg of their material. Our goal is to be a world leader of CNTs production for industrial applications.